Are cuts necessary?

Yesterday the President provided the reports of the TransformUS Task Forces to the campus community. Between now and February there will be opportunities for consultation and to provide feedback on these reports.

It’s very important to remember that the process for prioritizing programs was chosen by the Board of Governors and Senior Administrators and, while many view it as flawed, participants in the process should not be vilified.

TransformUS has always been about program cuts and University realignment. The purported deficit has simply been the rationale used for enabling Senior Administrators to avoid clearly stating what their realignment plans are for the University and allow them to make choices.

From the USFA’s perspective reviewing programs to evaluate their academic merit is a worthwhile endeavor. We do not oppose a changing University. A vibrant academic institution means that it is continuously evolving. We do, however, oppose the creation of a crisis as the impetus for unnecessary change affecting students and employees alike. While it might be fashionable to create a crisis for change it is not appropriate, correct or collegial.

The USFA does not accept the projected structural deficit of $44.5 million dollars because the assumptions on which it is based (i.e. the Multi-year Budget Framework) are not coming to pass. Watch your mail next week for an issue of Collectively Speaking for more information.