Results from Special GAA Meeting

At last week’s special meeting of the General Academic Assembly (GAA), the motion pursuant to Article 67(2)(a) of the University of Saskatchewan Act, to direct University Council to reconsider its May decision to create three new divisions in the College of Medicine was passed with a solid majority (200 in favour, 93 opposed).

A strong message was sent by GAA members in attendance that input from those who are responsible for the academic mission of a college must be involved in the development of plans for its academic future. Those of you who attended the meeting should be commended for being a part of this university’s collegial history.

The importance of faculty involvement in collegial governance cannot be emphasized enough. University Council meets next on September 20 at 2:30 p.m. in room 241 Arts (Neatby-Timlin Theatre) to reconsider the motion sent back by the GAA. Please attend and exercise you governance rights.